Azure Service Fabric - Next Gen PaaS

March 10, 2016

  • Jamy Ryals

In this talk we will discuss Microsoft’s Azure Service Fabric and how it fits in to the future of hosting distributed web applications. To put it in to context, we will briefly go through the past and current models and how those have informed the next generation of hosting technologies. Comparisons will be made to open source options and containerization technologies. Finally, we’ll take a look at the developer experience of using Azure Service Fabric and talk about some of the problems that are resolved by delivering applications on the platform.

About Jamy Ryals

At P97 Networks, Jamy is responsible for delivering highly available distributed applications hosted on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform. After graduating from the University of Houston with a degree in Applied Mathematics, he entered the workforce in the industrial automation industry focused on mobile technology integration. Enterprise software systems based on SOAP and WCF eventually lead him to Restful JSON services. He spends most of his time now developing C# Web API and Azure Service Bus on top of many storage back-ends.