ArgumentException handling

February 14, 2019 18:30

  • Saint Valentine

Meetup: Register for this Event

About Saint Valentine

Saint Valentine (Italian: San Valentino, Latin: Valentinus), officially Saint Valentine of Rome,[3] was a widely recognized 3rd-century Roman saint commemorated on February 14 and since the High Middle Ages is associated with a tradition of courtly love. Many of the current legends that characterize Saint Valentine were invented in the 14th century in England, notably by Geoffrey Chaucer and his circle, when the feast day of February 14 first became associated with romantic love. During the Middle Ages, it was believed that birds paired in mid-February. This was then associated with the romance of Valentine. Although these legends differ, Valentine’s Day is widely recognized as a day for romance and devotion

About the sponsor: Chocolate Lovers Anonymous, Strawberry Growers Association & Bouquets R Us

Happy Valentine's Day..

Featured Speaker: Saint Valentine
How to avoid Arguments by Exception.

try { meetup = new Houston(.net, "2/14/2019");}
catch { (ArgumentException ex) {
Avoid(ArgumentException, doNotAttend, Spend( time( with( someOneSpecial))) );

About Saint Valentine:
Saint Valentine (Italian: San Valentino, Latin: Valentinus), officially Saint Valentine of Rome,[3] was a widely recognized 3rd-century Roman saint commemorated on February 14 and since the High Middle Ages is associated with a tradition of courtly love.

Many of the current legends that characterize Saint Valentine were invented in the 14th century in England, notably by Geoffrey Chaucer and his circle, when the feast day of February 14 first became associated with romantic love.

During the Middle Ages, it was believed that birds paired in mid-February. This was then associated with the romance of Valentine. Although these legends differ, Valentine’s Day is widely recognized as a day for romance and devotion